About Morgan Noble

I’m a lover of all things crafty. I have been making jewelry and craft items for 15+ years. Noble Jewelry is a new hobby of mine. I love making jewelry but recent have been making simple and trendy leather and cork earrings. These earring will look good dressed up or dressed down. Please keep watching for new items that will be added to the shop. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Let’s be fair

Because fashion need to be fair, always

Let’s be for all

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Duis urna ipsum, tincidunt ut lorem.

Read all testimonials >

Martha Ramos
Customer from 2007

“Here I can find original items, low prices without to lose quality or sustainability. Love it!“

High quality and low cost

Made with genuine leather for long lasting enjoyment.

Happy Customers

A transparent Refund policy

Returns and Exchanges not excepted. Please contact us if you have any questions about your order.